Mar 12, 2011

Breaking Free - Chapter 45: The Display of His Glory

Breaking Free - Chapter 45: The Display of His Glory

1. How could your struggle to break free become the steps to the very gates of heaven?

When we surrender to God, and allow Him, to work in us and through us, to bring the victory, He will take the very things that held us captive and make them into the stepping stones that lead us out of captivity, into the glorious freedom He has for us.  As we overcome we rise up, and draw closer to God than ever before.

2. What specific spoils have you taken away from your struggles against the enemy and to do the will of God?

This blog, Satan tried to isolate me, make me feel like there was nothing I could do for God's Kingdom, but when I took those lies of the enemy to the Lord, and asked Him for help...He gave me the idea of this blog, and now I am able to speak truth and life and encouraging words to people around the world.  I know that if I am obedient, God will use it, all for His glory. Oh, yeah, and the huge bonus...I get to spend more time with Jesus, and grow in my relationship with Him.  :-)

3. How can you reinvest the plunder from your past struggles to bring gain for the kingdom of God?

No matter what the plunder is, if you surrender it to God, He will show you how to invest it, and then all you have to do is be obedient.