Breaking Free - Chapter 44: The Display of His Renown
1. What beauty have you seen when you could look at the testimony of a friend's life and see God's truth displayed?
The beauty of peace, hope, joy, and love flowing out of what would seem to be dire circumstances...When God is at work in a life and His love and truth shines through, there is nothing more beautiful!
2. Why do "people who know God well want God well-known"?
Once you get to know how good and great God is, and you see how His love and power have transformed your life to be so much more than it want other people to come to know Him so that they too, can be changed by the awesomeness that is our God, but more than that you want them to know God, to have a relationship with God, because there is nothing greater!
3. Do you presently have a yearning for the presence of God?
4. How can you grow in the yearning to know God?
The more time you spend in God's presence and in studying His Word, the more you will yearn to know Him.
5. What is the difference between a lust for God's power and a yearning for His presence?
When you lust for God's power, you are just wanting to see the great things God can do for you, but when you yearn for His presence it is more about the relationship you have with Him, and spending time with Him.