Breaking Free - Chapter 47: The Display of his Presence
Making your goal to win, is just fighting the fight, your focus is more on the battle. When you make your goal to win Christ, your focus moves off of the battle, onto Christ. No matter what happens in the battle, you have attached yourself to Christ, not willing to be separated from Him. The only real way to win, is to win Christ!!
2. Do you expend more energy fighting the enemy or seeking the Lord's presence? Why?
Hmmm, I think that I spend more time seeking God's presence, but I know that there have been times when I have spent time fighting the enemy more, and I've learned that it is a quick way to wear yourself out. The best thing we can do is attach ourselves to God and let Him fight the battle for us.
3. What has God done in your life through this study?
This study has been a wonderful time of learning about the things that hold us captive, but more importantly we've learned about the truths and promises in God's Word that will help us break free! I am so thankful for the work God has done in my life through this study, and I pray that you have been touched and change by the powerful truth of God's Word.
Thank you for joining me, for this great study! God has great plans for you, remember to trust and lean on Him...hold on to Christ, and you will win!