Just Wait!!
We pray, asking God to step into our circumstances, to lead us in the way we should go, and to do the miraculous when it seems impossible.
But after we've prayed, what do we do?
If you're like me, you tend to try to figure things out while you wait for God to step in. But I have realized lately that when the answer we expect doesn't come about right away, or it is not what we were hoping for...trying to figure it out while we wait for God's plan and timing only hinders things. If God is asking you to wait...then just wait! There is no requirement that you know exactly how things are going to go...or that you figure out the answer and then present it to God. God already has the answer, and when we try to help we are like a three year old who spilled milk and tried to clean it up with the whole basket of clean towels, making more work than is necessary, instead of going to mommy to let mommy take care of it with just a couple paper towels.
I read a scripture this week in Joshua that just hit me.
Joshua 3:5
"Joshua told the people, 'Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.'"
When we've prayed and asked God for His guidance, protection, miraculous hand, a healing or whatever we may need...we need to follow Joshua's instructions. Instead of trying to do it on our own, we need to make sure we are right with God, confessing our sins, our disbelief, our temptations to try to figure it out on our own, and we need to prepare ourselves to receive what God has in store...because God will do amazing things among us!!