Blown Away!
Have you ever just been blown away with how God orchestrates things? Here is my latest mind blowing experience with the goodness of God...
- I started the Chronological Bible reading plan from at the beginning of the year.
- Approximately 8 weeks ago I joined a small group ladies Bible study, working through the Beth Moore Bible Study entitled, "A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place".
- And just 17 days ago, I decided to start another Bible reading plan from called "Psalms and Proverbs in 31 days".
So to sum it up...
A year long bible reading plan, a 31 day bible reading plan, and a 10 week workbook bible study...all started at different times and all focused on different goals.
Here is the awesome the ladies bible study referenced at least 3 scriptures that I just read in my other bible reading plans! God orchestrated all these Bible studies to all work hand in hand, there is no way I could have planned it out any better!
It is incredible to me that God would desire to, or even take the time to, orchestrate and coordinate the timing of three different studies, so that I could see His goodness in just one more way?
So humbled and blessed by God's continual goodness...I am totally in awe right now!!