Dec 13, 2010

Chapter 14: The Ancient Boundary Stone

1. What was an ancient boundary stone?

"Similar to a fence - it visually reminded people what belonged to the land owner and what was beyond the legal limits." (see pg. 90 of Breaking Free)

2. What always results when someone removes a boundary stone?

Bondage and Sin

3. How does bondage promote sin?

Being in bondage makes you more susceptible to sin.

4. How does parental sin impact multiple generations?

The children grow up watching and learning from their parents.  So they naturally pickup the same sins that their parents dealt with all of their lives. 

5. What does it take for someone to break the cycle of parental sin?

Recognize the bondage/sin, move the ancient boundary stone back to where it should be, i.e. Set up guidelines and rules  in your life to help you not to fall into the same trap and ask someone to be your accountability partner...but most of all ask God to help you break all of the chains and to set you and future generations free.