Apr 17, 2010

Believing God - by Beth Moore - Ch 10-12


There is an old song we used to sing as teenagers that says so much in just a few simple words.  I wish I had this song available for you to listen to, but for now here are the lyrics... read them and think about what it really means.

"There is nothing in this world that He won't provide, there is nothing in this world that He won't supply; if I believe, if I believe. There is nothing in this world that He won't provide, there is nothing in this world that He won't supply; if I believe, if I believe. So I'll say to the mountain, move.  So I'll say to the mountain get out of my way.  So I'll say to the mountain, move.  So I'll say to the mountain get out of my way. Yes, I believe!  Yes, I believe!"

Do you believe?  Do you ask believing that God will move your mountain? Or do you ask for things that do not require the mountain to move; just in case, God doesn't move it?  Then you won't feel like an idiot for asking, or like God is not listening.  Do you doubt that God will answer?   I know that in my life there have been times when it is really hard to look at the situation and see any good coming from it.  There are times when there is just no way for our human minds to conceive of a good out come.  But God sees a different picture and there is nothing impossible with God.  Beth Moore makes some points that we would do good to remember and apply to situations just like this and even to simple easy situations as well.  When we pray we need to remember that God gave us His Word, not just to teach and guide us, but as a powerful weapon.  It is called the Sword of the Spirit for a reason.  So when we come to God in prayer it is so important to use the Word of God and let the Scriptures do the work for you. If, when you pray, you quote God's Word in your prayers, you will be effectively wielding the Sword of the Spirit, so that it can perform the work that God intends it to do. Really, we should do this every time we ask anything, because not only does it make our prayers more powerful, but it helps us make sure that we are praying for God's will, not ours.  As we do this  we have to have faith believing that God is who He says He is and that God will do what He say's He will do! This chapter has made me realize how important it is to read, memorize, and meditate on God's Word. So that when the time of need comes, the Scriptures can be brought forth by the Holy Spirit into our mind, and we can quote them, and pray asking God to accomplish His Word and His will, in our lives and situations.



In the world we live in, it is so easy to let ourselves be desensitized, by the things we watch on TV, or listen to in music, or even just the conversations around us. But God makes it very clear in His Word that we are to be transformed, by the renewing of our minds and I believe this means that we need to be careful that we don't let ourselves become so desensitized that the line between right and wrong becomes blurred.  When the line gets blurred our mouths probably are not sanctified!  Lets take a look at what James 3:3-6 says about our tongues. 
When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. James 3:3-6 NIV

And in Proverbs 18:21 it says: The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.  These are just a few scriptures that show us why it is so important to sanctify our mouths.  It has the power to effect every area of our lives and the lives of those around us.  



Just as Joshua and the Israelites needed the memorial to help them remember what God did for them that day at the Jordan River; we also need to remember what God has done for us!  As I made up a time-line as Beth suggested as the end of this chapter, it was amazing to realize and remember all that God has brought me through and done in my life and in my families.  Here is the story of how my christian heritage was started.

When my mother was just a young child, my Grandma had a friend who had invited her to a revival meeting at a church in the town, now at this time, neither of my grandparents were Christians, and neither one really thought there was much that God could do for them.  However, Grandma agreed to go just to see if people really did swing from the chandeliers. The afternoon of the meeting, my mother fell and hit her face on the hot wood stove causing a major burn across the right side of her face.  Grandma trying in desperation to help, poured a near by cup of what she thought was cold water on it, however, it was not water, but bleach she had poured for the laundry.  The bleach as you could imagine made the situation much worse and my mother was in terrible pain. Not long after this incident the friend came by to pick up grandma to go to the meeting.  Grandma tried to use my moms burn as an excuse not to go, saying that a small child in pain would only disrupt the service.  But the friend disagreed and said that if she was really in that much pain this meeting was exactly where she needed to be.  So grandma was talked into going, but did not want to be there.  When the preacher arrived, he announced that God told him to pray for every person in the building.  Upon Hearing this Grandma decided she should leave. Only to notice that my mom had fallen asleep, so she decided to stay so that my mom would not be disturbed. As soon as the preacher prayed for my mom, the burnt skin on her face started to heal, and by the end of the service my mom's face was completely healed.  My Grandma accepted Christ that day, and my grandpa accepted Christ a few year later. Grandma has been one of the greatest prayer warriors I have ever met.  And now there are over four generations who have been taught about Jesus, because of my Grandparents faith. God moved in my family years ago and is still working today. PTL!