Mar 6, 2010

Believing God - by Beth Moore - Ch 1-3

Beth Moore asks us if we would be willing to commit for a time to practice three faith actions.  I would suggest that you pray about this before making a commitment.  We should never go into a commitment with God without stopping to think it through and make sure we are truly committed to do it. If you would like to join me, I am going to commit to these faith practices for the duration of this study.

1. Practice raising my shield of faith.
God's Word tells us that we are to put on the full armor of God, and the shield of faith is one of the most important pieces we need.  The shield of faith is used to extinguish all of the fiery darts the enemy throws at us.  Here are five simple but powerful statements Beth gives us to help us as hold that shield up and keep it up.
  • God is who He says He is.
  • God can do what He says He can do.
  • I am who God says I am.
  • I can do all things through Christ.
  • God's word is alive and active in me. 

2. Increase my personal level of sanctification.
Beth gives some examples of ways to do this, and once again I hope that you will prayerfully consider what God would have you do to increase your level of sanctification.  I am committing to spending more time in God's Word and not just reading it, but chewing on it and really digesting what it is saying.

3. Journal Godstops.
Godstops - when we see God at work in our life and sensing God's presence on a daily basis. I know for sure that God is working in our lives constantly, but we do not always take the time to notice.  So this month I am committing to look for God at work in every situation, and I know that God wants to show us the amazing things He is doing, all we need to do is just stop and look for it.

As we continue through this study, I know that God has amazing things for each one of us.  I am so excited!!