In each chapter in this section we learned so much valuable information. I hope that you are taking notes and really looking at the things we are learning. I believe that God really does want to restore our brokenness and make us whole again. But in order for Him to do that, we have to realize there is a problem and then give the problem to God and let Him work in our hearts and lives. We must lean on Him and ask Him to lead our every decision.
If you went through the Beth Moore Study "Loving Well" with us in November, I want you to apply what we learned through that study to the things we are learning in this book. The strongholds that Dutch Sheets talks about in the last chapter, reminded me of the duct tape that we apply to our hearts. Once again, God will fill us with His perfect love and heal our wounded hearts if we will allow Him to do so. This book is showing us a little more of the problems or reasons why we are not able to love others the way God wants us to, without having His perfect love flowing through us.
Here are a few things that stood out to me in this section:
- God did not intend for you to live a defeated existence that always loses its battles.
- The promises of God are not automatic. It is through a process that we will grow and see God's promises come into our lives. We must be obedient to God's comands and then we will see His blessings and promises.
- The soul's function was not to control or lead but to serve our spirit.
- We were not made to function and make decisions apart from God's influence and instruction.
- By exalting the soul, we made ourselves unable to comprehend the things of God. Now we must have a revelation to see spiritual truth.
- What is housed in your subconscious shapes every part of who you are.
- We are not controlled by truth, but by what we perceive to be truth.
- God wants to restore us to the original state, if we will only allow Him!