- God has known me since the day I was conceived. He has had everyday of my life planned out and has walked with me through it all. Even though I may not have been walking with Him, He never left my side. He knows the future and if I trust Him, He will work everything out for good in my life.
- We strive to earn love from just about everyone in our lives, and if they don't love us, we either work harder; hoping that they will see our good qualities and love us for them. Or we give up and say "Well, I don't need them anyway." and we stop loving them. We protect ourselves from being hurt. We do the same thing with God. We try our best to get Him to love us, and we think in our hearts that we can earn His love. Sometimes we work so hard that we wear ourselves out, and we finally give up and say "Well, I don't need God anyway." But the truth is that He does, has, and always will love us. Nothing we do or say can change His love for us. We cannot make God love us more, and we cannot make Him love us less. When we try to earn God's love we are just wearing ourselves out for nothing. God's love is gift, and all we have to do is accept it.
- One of the statements on day five really spoke to my heart. "Quit trying to be so strong. Let Me be strong for you." I know that I am not as strong as I try to be, and this statement made me realize that I don't need to put on the facade of being the worlds strongest wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, etc. It is okay to say, I'm sorry but I am not strong enough to handle this on my own. When we hand things over to God, and let Him take our heavy burdens, life is so much easier. We see freedom, peace, grace, and love come in and fill the spot where we were filled with brokenness, strife, grief, and anger. If I could get this one truth worked out in my life, and lean fully on God instead of my own strength, what a joyous thing that would be. I am learning and leaning on God a little more each day, thanks to the teaching, and healing power of God's perfect love.
So shall you find favor, good understanding, and high esteem in the sight [or judgment] of God and man.
Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Proverbs 3:4-6 (AMP)