Jun 29, 2011

The Last Prophet - Chapter 7: The Rewards of Serving Jesus

The Last Prophet
Chapter 7: The Rewards of Serving Jesus
Questions to Ponder

1. Was there a special recognition you received growing up? How did it make you feel? 

As a young girl I dealt with a speech impediment.  I remember going to my special speech class each day trying my best to make my mouth and tongue work together to form the sounds and words like the therapist did.  I would watch her move her mouth and tongue and then I would try to copy it, looking in the little mirror.  It took hours and days even weeks sometimes to get the sounds to come out as they should.  Once I learned a new letter sound I would receive a certificate and a small prize out of the prize box.  But the biggest reward was getting to go around to everyone and say those sounds, knowing I had accomplished something great!

2. According to this chapter, what are some of the rewards of serving Jesus?
As we go through life we may find times when we can't clearly see any rewards for serving Jesus.  But here's the deal...God knows our hearts, He knows our thoughts, and He knows everything about us.  And He loves us.  So when we choose to serve Him, He rewards us, it may be through a simple reminder that you are His child and that He loves you, or it could be through the promise that you are His and He looks at you as His precious possession, a jewel to be treasured, and the greatest reward of all...He has promise to return one day to take you to the mansion in heaven that He has built just for you. 
3. If you were to give a testimony about God's faithfulness in your life, what one thing could you praise the Lord for?

As I look over my life, I see how the Lord has been faithful to lead and guide me, to protect me, and to love me no matter what.  Here is a song that expresses how God loves me for me, not for what I have done or who I'll become.  I can't even imagine asking for more than that!

4. What is the something that you are asking and believing God for today? 

I know that God is faithful and I believe He has great plans for all of us, but sometimes we don't see how a situation could turn out good.  All we can see with our earthly eyes looks bad.  I am believing that God will some how, in some way, take the things that Satan has meant for harm and turn them into something great.  


Jun 25, 2011

The Last Prophet - Chapter 6: It Pays To Tithe

The Last Prophet
Chapter 6: It Pays To Tithe
Questions to Ponder

1. What was your first job?

Administrative Assistant II  - Basically I filed  paperwork of all kinds for all the departments, and filled in as receptionist when needed.

2. What was the mistake Israel made regarding money?

They kept robbed God, by not tithing!

3. What does the word "tithe" mean? How does it apply to our earnings?

Tithe means 10%.  When we earn money, from a job, or as an award, or in the form of a gift...we need to be obedient and give 10% of our income back to God!

4. What does God promise to those who faithfully tithe?

God promises to renew our faith, rebuke our foes, and restore our fruitfulness...in another words God will take care of every need you have and bless you beyond anything you can imagine.  Pastor Bill points out the fact that we are better off living on 90% of our income with God, than living on 100% without God.  

5. What adjustment do you need to make regarding the way you handle your money? 

I think my husband and I need to make sure we give out of love and thankfulness, not just because it is a law.  As Pastor Bill say's in this chapter...many parents do not realize that there is a law that says you have to feed and care for your children, but they love and care for their children anyway, just because they love them.  We need to give back to God not just because God has commanded us to, but because we love Him and appreciate the sacrifice He has made for us, because He loves us.

Jun 22, 2011

The Last Prophet - Chapter 5: The Refining Fire of God

The Last Prophet
Chapter 5: The Refining Fire of God 
Questions to Ponder:

1. Where did you first commit to be a follower of Jesus Christ?

I was in the daisy's class at a church in northern California, around the age of 4.  

2. What was one noticeable change in your life after accepting Christ? 

As a little child, I was really shy and quite fearful, I remember figuring out very quickly that when those fears would come and try to keep me awake at night, I could call on the Jesus, and just saying His name brought peace.  Many nights I would fall asleep just saying or singing "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"

3. What is the significance to silver and gold in this section of scripture? 

I love the few points that Pastor Bill pointed out in this chapter see pages 89 & 90...

 "After the dross is removed, He turns the heat down.  Then He begins to mold and form you.  Then, He polishes you until He sees the reflection of His own glory.
     Silver is a beautiful metal, and it is also extremely useful.  It has long been used in the making of fine jewelry.  Because of it's electron configuration, all visible light is reflected in its surface.  This attribute makes silver the metal of choice for mirrors and photo processing.  Silver also has the highest electrical conductivity of all metals and it is used extensively in batteries.
     It is not coincidental that God compares His people to silver.  Silver is not only beautiful, it is useful.  God's people - in their purest form and highest function - reflect God's glory and conduct His power and grace." 

I cannot say it any better than that!  

4. What do you feel is God's main goal in refining you? 

God's main purpose and goal is that all of us would reflect His perfect love and glory to those around us.  When others look at me, I want them to see Jesus!

5. What is God working on in your life right now? 

Patience, and integrity...Our Pastor has preached on integrity the last couple of weeks, and God has really been working on me to be a person of integrity, not just when others are watching, but at all times.  When I'm driving down the road and see a cop, there should be no reason to quickly hit the brakes...I should be a law abiding, honest person even when the cop is not sitting there clocking my speed.   Also, He is teaching me that it is always better to give the truth in love than to outwardly say one thing and think something completely opposite... most of the time people can tell whether you are being honest about your feeling, and telling them what you think they want to hear only makes them feel like they can't trust you.  It's not always easy, but it is always the right thing to do!

Jun 18, 2011

In Appreciation of Fathers - Max Lucado

In Appreciation of Fathers - Max Lucado

Here are some great teachings by Max Lucado for those wonderful men we call Dad, Daddy or Father.

If you are a Father, today we celebrate the gift of you!

Happy Father's day

Jun 15, 2011

The Last Prophet - Chapter 4: Marriage: Pulling Together When You are Pulling Apart

The Last Prophet
Chapter 4: Marriage: Pulling Together 
When You are Pulling Apart 
Questions To Ponder

1. Write down the name of a couple who has been a role model of a healthy marriage, in your life.  What is it about their marriage that is special? What things do they have that you would like in your marriage?

The Darlings!  Though they've had hard times and struggles along the way, they have always turned to God and let God work in their lives.  These wonderful people are a living example of what the love relationship needs to be...communication, devotion, putting each other first, choosing to love when it may not be easy...They may not be perfect, but with God's help they are committed and loving each other everyday...enjoying the blessings God has for them!

2. How would you explain the statement, "God hates divorce," to someone?

Divorce was never meant to happen,  it breaks a covenant made before God...it is a sin and God hates sin.  But the main thing someone(especially one who has gone through divorce) needs to know is that God hates divorce, but not the divorcee's...people need to know that God will forgive them and turn their mistakes into something great! 

3. What are some steps you would suggest to a person who has experienced the pain of divorce?

First of all the most important thing is to get your life right with God, and make sure that you are listening and obeying all of His commands.  Making amends with you spouse may not be possible, but from this day forward you should aim to bring glory to God in all that you do, and accept the forgiveness that God offers and make sure to forgive yourself and your spouse...holding grudges will not help anyone.

4. What advice would you give a young couple who came to you regarding building a healthy marriage and family?

Here are just a few thoughts...
  • Always keep God center...God allows you to love each other with His love, when your ability to love ends.  
  • Make sure you always try to communicate clearly, and try to see things from your spouses frame of view.
  • Make plans together, play together, work on your relationship daily, and always pray together.

Jun 11, 2011

The Last Prophet - Chapter 3: Learning To Enjoy God's Blessing

The Last Prophet
Chapter 3: Learning To Enjoy God's Blessing
Questions To Ponder 

1. Have you ever been robbed? What took place and how did it feel?

 No, not robbed! But I remember a time as a teenager, my parents went out of town and it was just my sister and I for the weekend.  Her boyfriend came over to hang out for a while, and thankfully he was still there, when someone attempted to break into our house through the garage door.  It was one of those doors that had a window, and as I looked across the house I could see the silhouette of a hooded head and shoulders looking through the window.  When the intruder saw movement in the house they quickly disappeared, but it was one of the scariest situations I have ever dealt with.  We had trouble sleeping that night and we felt completely violated even though nothing seemed to be disturbed or harmed.  I am just so thankful that God protected us and that He caused the timing to work out so that we had someone else there and not just the two of us girls.

2. Why did God speak so strongly to the Priests?

 The Priest had a covenant relationship with God, and they were failing to fulfill their end of the contract.  God wanted to be able to bless them, but their choices and decisions that broke the contract caused God to have to remove the blessings, God could not fulfill His end when they were slacking on their end.  So God sent then a message, though it seems harsh, it was out of love, because until they changed their ways, God could not bless them as He desired. 

3. How would you describe a Covenant according to this chapter?

 A Covenant is like a contract, but much deeper...it is not just some legal paper stating that both parties agree to certain binding obligations.  It is about relationship...about loving, sharing, offering protection to the other party mutually.  In the bible there were three things they would do to enter into a covenant relationship.. First they exchanged blood, pledging their person-hood, their destinies became intertwined.  Second, they exchanged coats saying what's mine is yours, and third, they exchanged weapons saying I will stand by you and for you forever.  A covenant did not end when one of the parties died...it continues on from one generation to the next.  A covenant relationship is not something you enter into lightly!

4. What impact has God's Covenant had on you?

God's Covenant with man was fulfilled through Christ death on the cross, and His shed blood and wounded body paid the the price, so that we don't have to go through all of the same steps as they did in the old testament...But the covenant is still active and working to bring us forgiveness, so that we can be called the sons and daughters of God...So that we can say "I am a friend of God!"  I am so thankful that God made a way for me to enter into this covenant relationship with Him, and I want to do everything in my power to make sure I uphold my end of the deal! 

Jun 8, 2011

The Last Prophet - Chapter 2: Expressing Your Love To God

The Last Prophet
Chapter 2: Expressing Your Love To God
Questions To Ponder

1. What are some of the ways you generally show a person you love them? (Give Attention - Acts of Service - Special Gift - Specific Words - Special Card - Other?)

I think the way I show someone I love them changes...I myself feel loved when someone gives and encouraging word, or special attention, But I know that not everyone is the same, so I try my best to love others in the way that means the most to them.  My husband is a quality time and acts of service guy...keeping the house clean, and going out in the garage to watch him as he works on his latest project are very important to him, or just sitting beside him while we watch a show together.  However, my daughters both have their own way of giving and receiving love so I am learning to adapt and love others in different ways.

2. What is the main warning in this chapter in your opinion?

The main thing that stood out to me was the fact that we all to easily loose our first love; and everything goes down hill from there.  It is important that we remember who God is and who we are in Him...If we truly  have these things in our hearts and minds, constantly thinking of how great God is, and remembering all He has done for us, we will not loose our first love. We will continue to love, honor, and respect God in the way He so much deserves.

3. What are some of the ways you can express your love to God?

In everything we do, we have the opportunity to show God we love Him, through our obedience and attitude as we deal with issues in life. Whether we are doing the mundane daily chores or doing something new and exciting, our attitude towards what we are doing will change it from just going through the actions, into worship.  We can make washing the dishes an act of love, just by changing our thoughts, wash the dishes as if you were doing it for the Lord, and cook and serve dinner as if you were doing it for God, you will do your best and bring honor to God through your thoughts and actions...that right there is true worship!

4. What advice would you give to a new believer regarding worship?

Many times we tend to think of worship as singing songs and that is where we think it ends, I would encourage a new believer to make everyday and everything they do into an act of worship, not just on Sunday at church, but in their home and on the job, taking care of the family, or doing fun activities...all of it should bring honor, glory and respect to God - all of it should be done as unto the Lord!

Jun 4, 2011

The Last Prophet - Chapter 1: Knowing God Loves You

The Last Prophet
Chapter 1: Knowing God Loves You
Questions to Ponder

  1. What was one of your all-time favorite gifts to receive as a child?

    There is one gift that always comes to mind, my grandma always bought us little gifts, but this one was extra special, because Grandpa picked it out...I think it was the only gift I remember getting from Grandpa, and even though it was just a stuffed dog, it was always so precious and special to me.

  2. What does this chapter tell you about the love of God?

    God's love is constant, never changing, and completely not dependent on anything we could do to earn or deserve it.   God is love, it is who He is, and nothing will ever change it.

  3. Who first told you that “God loves you?” How did you respond?

    I do not remember who told me of God' love first, but my parents worked to teach me of His love from the time I was just a little babe.  However, I do remember the first time it really hit home and I finally caught a true glimpse of God's love, it was when I was expecting my first child...and I prayed telling God how much I loved this baby, and I had not even seen her face...and the Holy Spirit spoke to me like a gentle whisper, "I love you that much and more..."  I remember crying as I realized just how much He loves me.

  4. How have you seen the love of God at work in your life?

    I have seen God's love work in my life all of my life...protecting me, guiding me, providing all of my needs, disciplining and pruning things in my life that weren't beneficial, and blessing me beyond what I could have imagined.